Monday, November 16, 2015


 My newest cosmetic favorite comes from my friend Tabbethia Haubold whose Long Island Livestock CO, aka LILCO's Shepherdess Product Line delivers the richest bath and body products. And they are FABULOUS! I fell in love with her newest scent, Coconut Body Butter. Heavenly.

Rich and thick. Do the Bang Test. Upsidedown the container, after it's open. Bang it on a counter. Product doesn't move. That rich.

When it comes to saving my feet from chemo and winter cracks, nothing beats Tabbethia's body body. I chunk it on, massage it in, and let it work inward while I drink my morning after-shower coffee. Then I put my running socks on. They're a tighter weave and lock that body butter goodness in.

LIL CO Website:
At the end of the day, my feet feel fantastic, and remnants of that rich thick body butter remain. As I crawl into bed for the night, I admit to feeling like a goddess. And then I slip into dreams.

#lifesavingproducts #savingyourlife #tabbethiahaubold #longislandlivestockcompany #LILCO

I admit to being a product junkie when it comes to skin care. So the products I used before cancer and during cancer are still in my product arsenal and I still use them. Just differently. I take a good look at my morning face and go from there. Some people cross train; I cross-use beauty products.

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