Sunday, March 20, 2011

Life is Sweet

different grades of maple syrup; @ Morse Farm ...Image via WikipediaAccording to the Journal of the American Medical Association, based on National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data, you can "cut the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by cutting down on the added sugars used in many processed and prepared foods."

On the other hand, pure maple syrup can be some really sweet medicine. Scientists at the URI have identified more than "20 compounds in Canadian maple syrup that can be linked to human health, 8 of which are found in maple syrup." The short and sweet: maple syrup has phenolics, a beneficial class of antioxidants also found in berries, and as it turns out, phenolics are good for us. So enjoy your maple syrup on a stack of whole grain blueberry pancakes and know you are eating well for health.

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