Saturday, September 11, 2010

Healing Powers

Allie Settles Into Her New Home from RJ Stangherlin on Vimeo.

Animals heal. Research supports this simple statement. I am not naive enough to suggest that pets provide a cure for cancer or various ailments. But I do know one irrefutable fact: they work their calming magic for me, and I am the beneficiary of their subtle ability to heal, make whole. The beauty and grace of their love infuses me every day with a healing calm, enabling me to maintain a totally positive approach to my disease. In fact, my cancer is not, at least at the moment, on the march. While I will never be cured of Non-Hodgkins Follicular Lymphoma, my disease's progression is another thing. At the moment, I am holding fast.

When our dog Julie went over the rainbow, my heart broke. Sleeping with her on the floor, holding her tight, hoping for a good outcome broke my heart. And while some criticized my lack of suitable time spent in mourning Julie's loss, I knew I needed another dog, quickly.
We found Allie through a former student, Janelle Moser, who sent me a link to her breeder--in Virginia. Jennifer Brinson volunteered to travel the 560 miles round trip to fetch Allie, and the rest is history. I could feel the inner difference even on the long drive home. That inner repose, the knowledge that life was whole again. I know I control my climate, but it is always better because of the animals that share my life. But perhaps you have to be an animal person to understand.

As for me, I'm off to the barn to tend to my llamas and check to see if maybe today, on this lovely cool country morning, I just might have a new cria to greet.

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1 comment:

  1. Yes, animals heal, and they can be helpful in so many different ways for different people. I've done therapy dog volunteer work with my girl, Jane, and before that another dog...for over ten years. Even people who may not be 'animal people' figure it out pretty quickly. I've spent the last year learning to share the llama 'therapy' as well.
    Bless Allie and all of your pets for the comfort and healing they give you and others.
